A New Landmark for Cambridge Science Park

Trinity College is pleased to announce the launch of a public consultation on proposals for new best-in-class office and laboratory space at Cambridge Science Park.

Our aspiration is to create a new architectural landmark that adheres to excellent sustainability credentials, while integrating with and drawing inspiration from its natural surroundings. By enhancing the Science Park as a globally competitive science and business district, the proposals aim to create lasting employment opportunities and have a positive impact on the local economy.
The architecture and its landscape will make a meaningful contribution to the wider local community by opening up the site for those visiting and working in the Park.
Before submitting a planning application, we want to hear your feedback on our plans. You can find out more about our proposals and how you can get involved in our consultation below.

Our ambitions

A new landmark destination for the Science Park

Flexible high-quality office and lab space to meet a wide range of tenant needs

Landscaped-led approach enhancing biodiversity and ecological links

A design that engages with the park and enhances the existing green network, contributing to the wider community

Enhanced pedestrian and cycle linkages to encourage community use

Climate-resilient architecture targeting a net zero operational carbon footprint

In June/July 2023, we held a full public consultation to shape the development of our plans.
View Exhibition Boards
We held an exhibition in Cambridge on Thursday 22nd June
Online Webinar
We held an online webinar on Monday 26th June
Online Survey

Our consultation survey has now closed.

Thank you for participating in the public consultaiton on our proposals for Unit 440, Cambridge Science Park.

Our plans have now been submitted to Cambridge City Council and can be viewed on the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Portal here

Reference: 24/01079/FUL